Let me introduce myself, I'm Amy. I was born and raised in the Midwest surrounded by family and friends. After college I decided I had to see the world....on Mega Yachts no less! Thinking I'd travel for maybe a year or two, I had no idea how much I'd really love living my life abroad, traveling the world, meeting new people and experiencing different cultures. And 2 years turned into 7! Eventually though my sea legs landed me back in Indy, in the same neighborhood I loved and grew up in! And now 14 years later I have two sweet and sassy little girls who keep me on my toes!

Ok, but seriously after all that, why photography? My enduring love for travel led me to pick up a camera so that I could start documenting my road less traveled. As much as I loved seeing the world through my lens, I found my real passion for photography after I came back to Indy. I started photographing my friends and family just for fun and BAM I knew what the next photography chapter in my life was going to be :)

Fast forward a few more years when I added another title to my growing repertoire, Mom.  Maybe the most important title for my photography biz because now I'm able to connect even more with my families and especially my kid clients. I'm so used to entertaining my kiddos with giggles and laughs I am a pro when it comes to being silly and trying to evoke smiles or laughs from littles in front of my camera.  Motherhood has changed me in so many amazing ways especially making me an even better photographer!

I'm a Hoosier by birth. A sailor in my past life. A wife, and mama of two. And most recently an Indianapolis family photographer who wants to get those real and candid family pics that you can't wait to hang on your walls at home!

Hi Friend! So glad you're here!


sweating it out

Island Life

good books


a few of my favorite things

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